CHaving to sit through Today Tonight which airs on Channel Seven is generally a pain in the ass, then tonight they aired a story about a website called "Freagle" on how you can earn big bucks by doing nothing.
It smell like a dirty scam.
So I have just had a look at the site, and to me it appears just to be that, a scam.
If something like this actually worked legitimately it would not have to be on a tabloid journalism television program flogging its wears.
Tut Tut Tut Channel Seven
Having to pay for a 30 day trial using a credit card also makes me highly suspect.
Whatever you do, never enter into something on the internet that smells fishy, coz if it looks too good to be true then it generally is a scam.
On that note, I have decided that writing an email to Today Tonight expressing my distaste and asking if the "story" was in fact a extended ad or not will help the malcontent in me feel slightly less disgruntled.
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