Saturday, October 3, 2009

Is social networking killing your social life?

Has it really come to this?
Instead of formally inviting someone to something via a lovely hand written invitation that had to be sent a week before the actual occasion, has it really come to this?
2 hours before the actual event happening sending a mass invite on Facebook.
Gee how personal, that must've taken nano seconds to invite all 374 friends off facebook to your BBQ, I wonder if they'll all remember to bring a plate of food?

So I rock up to this BBQ (and if you're wondering, no I didn't take a plate of food) to find that out of the 374 friends you invited via facebook only 5 have shown up, 3 of which, you live with.
Apparently Fall Out Boy were too busy to come to your BBQ.
I mean seriously, these days it seems even if it's a formal event a text message 3 days before the event is supposedly good enough.
Well not in my book!
Til next time!


  1. i agree. i don't have, and refue to have, myspace, facebook, twitter, etc. if they want to invite me, email is the fast way they can do it. :)
