Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ummm America, what are you thinking?

Why must you meddle when you don't actually know what things are about when you can't even control your own country.

The ad that the US believes to be racist has been taken out of context.
Anyone who has been to the West Indies they can tell you that Fried Chicken is like a HUGE thing over there, not a racial stereotype.
How about you guys stop bitching about what is happening in Australia and start looking at yourselves.
The constant shootings you would think prompt some sort of strengthening of gun laws BUT NO, if anything more guns flood on to the streets.

So just a tip; instead of complaining about ads THAT AREN'T EVEN SHOWN IN YOUR COUNTRY and start dealing with your own social problems
til next time

Saturday, January 9, 2010


it is so hot here! 33 degrees (C) in a place where in winter it never gets warmer than 15 degrees (C) at the absolute limit.
Mainland Australia is worse, with South Australia and Victoria supposed to be having temperatures over 40 degrees (C) for the next couple of days.

And to think in the northern hemisphere they're having huge snow storms and some of the coldest temps seen.

I mean the biggest climate change skeptic has got to have some doubts in their stance now

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Was wondering

I'm thinking of setting up an advice blog, on any and every problem

I don't know whether one that was written in jest or one written in seriousness would be better

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

money's too tight to mention

Ugh I have about a gazillion bills pilling up, I'm not allowed to work because my surgeons don't know what they're doing next so I get the fun of hoping I can some how scrape the money together for it all.
This is really starting to piss me off
Centrelink gives a pitance, I assume to motivate you into working
but as I'm not allowed to work for medical reasons I get screwed over.
It's so freaking frustrating.

til next time!