I think I’ve mentioned this before. I live on the 1st floor of a 3 story unit block. It’s small, and lacks any sound proofing so when the neighbours upstairs decide to party til 3am or play soccer it makes life help.
Yes I know this bitchy and whinging but I don’t care.
It’s major essay time at uni and with all the other crap that’s going on I’m finding it hard to concentrate as it is WITHOUT listening to a bunch of idiots playing the same song over and over again from 8pm til 3am.
I dunno maybe at the old age of 23 I can’t be bothered with bullshit.
It’s only one unit that makes all the noise and the landlord won’t do anything about it and I feel like a dick calling the cops.
What are ya supposed to do?
I’m guessing wearing ear plugs to bed is the only solution.