Sunday, October 11, 2009

the ebay blog

I like ebay.
It allows me to buy crap I never knew exsisted or wanted.
It also allows me to get excited about packages arriving in the mail.
It also allows me further down the track to sell the stuff that I no longer want without having to deal with (many) fuckwits which is also an enjoyable experience in itself.
You see, since I was about 10 every so often when my parents got sick of the amount things we had collected over a year we'd either have a garage sale or a stall at the market, where in which one has to deal with people knocking at your door at 5am on a saturday to ask if the garage sale had started yet or whether or not you accept $5 for something that was marked $40, and would most probably see later in the day on their market stall marked at $150.
Ladies and gentlemen, these people are what we call vultures.
They prey on the naive and stupid purely for profit and pleasure
and they piss me off.
So I have no resolved that ebay = not dealing with vultures
therefore making ebay a member of the awesome pile and getting vultures a place in the fail room

til next time!

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